Silvans Health and Wellbeing Programs
Written by: Team Silvans | 25 November 2021

Our Staff Wellbeing Programs represents a proactive approach to individual and collective wellbeing. It makes sense that our workplace and the work have an impact on staff’s mental health.
Reducing and managing staff stress levels, maintaining positive social interactions and asking for help when needed are all helpful actions. Staff need to feel comfortable to ask for and give support that helps reduce the fear of stigma for help-seeking and is important in building a supportive culture at Silvans.
Across all Silvans’ workplaces, the responsibility for this action is shared between individual staff members and the organisation.
Key Aims of the Programs
- To enable individuals to take a proactive approach to their own wellbeing and develop the mindsets and behaviours which will support them through challenging times.
- To enable Silvans’ staff to work collaboratively to more effectively support one another’s health and wellbeing.
- To contribute to improved staff outcomes through enhancing staff engagement, wellbeing and connectivity.
Elements of the Programs
- An all of staff approach to health and wellbeing
- Building internal capability and knowledge
- Demonstrable results and measurable outcomes
- Flexible and accessible
- Small investment for long term benefits
Examples of Silvans Wellness programs include:-
- Mental Health Training Workshops
- Stress Management workshops
- Cease Smoking Programs
- Resiliency and Positive Psychology
- Meditation / Mindfulness Classes
- Yoga Classes / Tai Chi / Qigong Classes
- Fitness Classes
- Dietary & Nutrition Workshops
- Employee Assistance Programs
- Health Screenings